The Power of National Identity

The essence of belonging has long been pivotal in shaping human history. It nurtures a sense…

Five Eras of Indian Foreign Policy: From Idealism to Nationalism

India’s foreign policy has undergone five distinct eras: idealism, realism, adventurism, pragmatism, and the current nationalism…

Jan Vishwas Bill Right Prescription?

The Jan Vishwas Bill’s enactment presents a complex interplay between economic growth, ease of doing business

Story of The Indian Foreign Service and its Political Masters

Foreign policy and foreign affairs of India have been challenged and transformed since independence by a…

India-US Agreement Atma-Nirbhar or MNC-Nirbhar

Made-in-India became Make-in-India. The policies to create a self-reliant India may achieve the opposite – dependence…

Does ‘One Nation One Election’ Benefit BJP?

The ruling party says with ‘One Nation One Election’, expenses will be curbed, corruption will be…

Nehru’s Mistake in Understanding China

India is compelled to learn that China is unlikely to be a reliable neighbour, perhaps more…

India Can Leave Distinct Impression

To carve out a niche for India in the global arena and enhance participation in international…

Mahatma Gandhi And His Relevance Today

The “Father of our Nation” and his thoughts and words inspire us to this day. Probably…

New Education Policy- Will It be Groundbreaking?

The country waited 34 years to get modernised and updated system in education. But, the main…